Saturday, May 16, 2020

Me and My So-called Life

So many years ago, I started this blog. I was on it, on and off sharing things that mattered to that time. Then I totally lost interest and basically drifted away with life.

Thanks to a friend, I stumbled back on the blog and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was still up and all of the articles were still intact.

Glimpses of my thoughts from way back when I was still a little innocent (*cough*) and didn't have much of a care in the world. A time when I was just discovering life and it held so many promises. It felt like discovering gold. It was like unearthing a time capsule.

A lot of time has passed and chance hasn't been so charitable. But we are still here. My boy marked his eleventh birthday yesterday. I mentioned him in one of my last posts here before I hibernated. Hard to believe all of that time has passed.

There have been storms and sunshine; hell and high water. Can't say I have changed much from the man I was back then. Perhaps I have grown even more disillusioned. But one thing I can guarantee is that I am going to give this life one hell of a fight. I am going to keep pushing till something gives.

I owe that to all of the people that somehow believe in me and my so-called life.

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